Will be

I once remember (not too long ago) a woman telling me in her own nicest way possible that my fashion sense were laughable for wearing skinny and tight leggings which I find best suitable when I am moving to and about the room doing all those crazy stunts for performance classes. The criticism was utterly preposterous and honestly left me dumb-founded. Was she that stupid? Or was she just looking for a nasty reason to piss me off and she succeeded? Anyway, who was her to say what I to wear or not to wear in the first place? It's the most ridiculous criticism I've ever heard of myself in all my living glory, and I've had crazier ones but not as annoying as this. Imagine doing splits or cartwheels on denims. What irks me the most is that she was potentially the best one amongst the women, and she destroyed herself by that statement alone.

It's the last week of the first term. I don't know what to make of it. Made an equal amount of love as much as I made a suitable amount of hate. Can't please everyone, so que sera, sera.


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