"So.. who was phone?"

It ended with a hiccup and slowly dissipated into the blanched air. Normally I don't ever agree on starting paragraphs with 'it' because it is connotative of something unprepared and half-loved. And half-loved to me is half-hated as well so that sums it up. The journey we had undertaken from the first week up to this has not been quite up to par as to my expectations but it does not mean I am not pleased. For a lack of a better term, I am still hungry for detail. My improvements are steady but not consistent. My potential is questionable. My skills are arguable. My overall chemistry with the people is bland. My overall chemistry with the space is fair. My overall chemistry with my mentors are lacklustre but not distressful. My communication methods are horrendous, which, by the way, always leaves me hanging by the end of each session gripping away with regrets and anxiety scorning myself and torturing deep into the masochistic nature of my ego. I no longer feel the urge to push myself into the people. I have proven myself enough. They have chosen their decision as I have with mine and, despite regretful, is one proven an important lesson to the journey of the cycle of mundane life.

So anticlimactic everything turned out to be. Absurdly unromantic and self-righteous. Where have I been for the past twenty years or so?

Anyway, my mobile phone died on me due to the extreme temperate weather. Tomorrow I supply myself with a new one. Much better one, I suppose. Hopefully one that can fool people to think I finally am a champion in my own right. My fascination for champions are incredibly addictive.


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