Philosophical rubbish

There was nobody left anywhere. Lights flicker steadfastly signalling it's time to go. The floor shadows ignite tension to the room as if occupants of same space. The table was just as bored as he was. He found company amongst furnitures and leftover utensils.

'Lead me quietly into the dark, and I will bring light upon it. The stars will forever shine upon me as if to say I am not alone, and I always was and never, for the same stars were there, not in the same location as they would the previous meeting, but that same energy flow towards his character runs deep, eyes cower, lips quiver. What sort of resistance was necessarily folly? What limited preconceptions materialised before our heads? There is no answer to your self-pitying query. The riddle comes in forms of emotions. Sadness, melancholy, grief, despair, nostalgia. These are the guiding bodies to your salvation, and these will find all the ways of which you can manifest into a whole, an entity of yourself and of the planet. Whatever it is that troubles you or draws the misfortune then it is up to another entity equivalent of your own that helps you strive for success. How to find this 'equal entity' rests in your loving hatred towards men and women alike. Thus loathing for your kind is relevant to self-righteousness. Selfishness becomes virtue as hate manifested becomes naturally enlightened.'

Behind him the doors closed and the lights went out. He sat in the corner of the glass window and curbed into foetal position, closed his eyes and prayed for comfort.


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