Philippines FC

Tonight we went out for a short while and had a couple of drinks to commemorate Marcos' departure in two weeks. I had Guinness and rhum+coke as intended, not so bad considering tonight was Saturday. Met new people along the way. Yelda introduced me to her footballer boyfriend. I'm not much familiar with football, to be quite honest. There was a Brazilian girl and one which I failed to engage in communication, sucks. It was fun though. We all went to the dreaded studio together which was all sorts of awful. Rarely do we meet each other especially now where people go on their own separate ways. It seems only Yelda remains the apocalyptic survivor among us who still remains in the studio even up to this moment. She seems intent on leaving as well some time soon.

Anyway, this footballer boyfriend of hers that she always talked about had plans on making some kind of visit to my country and create a football club or college. I said, 'Why not? Seems like a good idea.' Not too many people in that country are familiar with football, but I do believe the potential is there and limitless. Unlike basketball, which is the country's leading sport, height isn't the only thing that matters. The game is more about agility and quick reflexes which I believe these people surely have. That could be a good indicator for success, I reckoned. Who knows? Maybe in the near future this tiny idea will bear fruition and only God knows this may be my proper calling. 

Someday I'm going to bump into that guy again. Earlier he was mistaken as Serj Tankian by some random ladies, which was in a way quite hilarious because he was like, 'What? Who? Where?' I wish I could be mistaken as a celebrity myself, hah! He even thought I was a fashion designer due to my funky haircut.

I'd take that as a compliment.


  1. I started a football program here in Davao.. Give me 10 years and I'll give you the Philippine team for the World Cup..


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