Passive aggresive
The two wandering bodies walked side by side in the frigid outskirts of London in hopes of adding colour to their woeful existences. A dreadful impression overcame him as he listened to her speak, a sporadic smell of diarrhoeic mouth from the lady in disguise greeted him with unintentional regard just when he began to feel the undesired vibrant romance in the air. It automatically killed everything for him, but he avoided all the petty confrontations, he persevered, hoping to the stars his fate would change for something better. Unfortunately for him, every time he thought of something warm he thought of the equally cold figure from before. The same figure that has been lingering on to his thoughts for months on end now. This, he felt, was a day of reckoning, or immediate surrender. He came up with a preplanned itinerary for both his defence and counterattack in case something unlawful emerges from the dust, but he knew it wouldn't last for long. The first barrage of attack from the opposite party would suffocate him and destroy his ego, leaving him biting the ass that he wanted to bite.
They finally reached the place after countless words bore, endless feet trampled. They denied the first opportunity to enter. He wouldn't jump in, she wouldn't either, and so they continued on to somewhere only they would know. They figure cancer sticks are the next best thing to fight against the cold, she was lonely for a fact, he wouldn't guess, not in this chance.
They turned around and decided to get in. What good would ignoring do for him? As forgiving as he usually was, there was no turning back then. He whispered to the heiress in the booth and she pointed to a jester from behind, completing ignoring the fact that he and she were in front of her waiting to finish whatever it was that preoccupied her at that moment. She turned to us with salutations. He'd have none of that. He demanded apology, not courtesy. He was regal in his own world. No person served exemplary to the rule, even to this lowly mongrel that stood before him raising an eyebrow in his behalf. If he even had an ulterior motive that would have made things all the more worse than it already was. Her robust cheekiness absorbed his pride, and she blurted out from her filthy sewer she called mouth questions which normally should have already been known. He got it over with swiftly like a knife in bland British bakery. He pulled her companion inside and they decide to spend the night away, until....
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