Coupled with other things

May have done something to heighten this dreaded feeling I do now, as if a hypochondriac. Woke up to a forced, chilly morning fearing the backlash of being tardy every single first subject considering that Debra is the first one to greet us every Tuesdays. Ironically was still tardy but not within range of acceptable tardiness. Four minutes late, if I remember correctly. That sent headaches down to my thigh. That’s only the headache problem. To make matters worse while taking the tube the urge to crap was unbearable. It was disastrous. Joined the class feeling so limited in my bodily range of motion due to this unfortunate circumstance. Found it very difficult to wiggle my chest and pelvis because felt like something inside me is going to burst out and spread meconium spray all over the studio. That’s the craptastic other. Marianna didn’t like the food, go figure. ‘Twas the most despicable puto I’ve ever tasted in my entire Philippine existence. Everyone seemed to love my Piattos though. I knew they would so I saved it for last.

Oh Piattos.


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