
Today I went back to Guirlache for the Tropicalia flavour that Ani mentioned last week when I first arrived. The first time I did, they gave me a smoothie expecting an ice cream, which was her favourite, and today I finally got round to having that ice cream even though I was not really looking specifically for it, and I remember telling Ainhoa last week that she lied to me, because I was expecting an ice cream but instead got a smoothie. It was not really a lie though, it probably just was not available back then, I was just bantering, but I still feel guilty about it.

What if I made her feel uncomfortable at that moment? And I start thinking of all the possible times I may have made her feel uncomfortable without my knowledge and realisation.

Have I?

I frown now thinking I may never truly know for sure. She has not spoken to me since then, and perhaps this to her is by design and intentional. It saddens me to no end knowing she may never want to speak to me ever again......


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