
Drip, drip. Eyes falling, tears. Drip, drip. Drip and dry. Nothing. Quieter than when conscious energy once materialised itself in its primordial form. Nothing, and then something. Nothing, nothing again. Some voice... what have I done? Some face... of whom I have never seen nor met. A silhouette. As if... in the end... was the face of my maker.

Or the face of my ender.

Two moons and birds chirping, one wintry night. Try as I might. For the fools out there, fools in love, delusions of grandeur, fools in life, of adventure, and fools of those who wallow in the misery of solitude. Time ticks, tick, tick, tick-tock. Sleep, and pretend myself slip sliding away.

Drip, drip. Eyes falling, zetsubou.


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