S1: Feast

Pollus from House Griggor has just arrived, milady.

Bring him to the reception hall with all the other guests. Inform him that I shall not engage with him as long as he does not apply any sort of fragrant soap that would mask away his putrid body odour.


Now go, and leave me be.

[DALE comes in]

What seems to be troubling you, my dear, sweet Delanna?

It’s you, father. Tonight’s feast commemorating your honour seems to be going well.

I suppose so. But I can’t fail to notice that you do not seem to be enjoying it as much as I and your mother do.

I have responsibilities with the guild, father. The council would have me executed if they knew I wasn’t fit to the task at hand.

You exert yourself too much, dear child.

Not as much as I desire. By the way, father, what news comes from Durant?

He... well, it’s a touchy subject you may or may not want to hear. I wouldn’t want to spoil your evening with unnecessary tales of your brother’s departure.

I still wish to know.

I don’t know how to tell you this without stressing you but Durant has already left the family, his life and the guild, everything. All because of a commoner woman, of all things.

And have you sent men to search for him?

For what? For him to run again and find more reason to loathe us more? The kid is too smart for his own good. Defying him would only give traction to his already furious heart. We made an error in defying him his heart’s desire and my only regret is that I was alive when that moment arrived.

You speak as if you were the one who committed treason, father. Durant may still be this guild’s commanding patrol but if he finds it reasonable to leave everything for the sake of his own selfish desires then he’s no bigger fool than her lover.

He’s still of my blood, Delanna.

As am I. I am confident we will manage even without him, father. I promise you I will do everything to provide this guild the respect it deserves.

What makes you think this was not your intention in the first place?

Ho-- how could you even think of such an insulting thing?

I know you well enough, Delanna. What you lack in strength and constitution you make up with your cunningness. You may not gain the council’s favour as much as Durant but you certainly have the potential to lead, no doubt about that.

Then give me that honour, father. For our sake. For Durant’s sake.


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