Foreword: By Steel and Blood

Amongst all the guilds in Corriven, only one stood apart from the rest. It was Peacehaven.

Often imitated, never duplicated, Peacehaven now serves as one of the most well-respected guardian guilds in all the lands. It is an academy and a sanctuary of sorts from travellers to thrillseekers to venture forth and find their life's calling. Despite having a renowned alumni of heroes already making mark on their legacies, the guild has a notorious reputation of their capricious will to admit people. There are no known requirements for admission and they have recently proposed a highly covert invite-only passage into their community. Although the place in itself is knowingly protective of their vast resources of knowledge, they are still widely accepted to be rational and that the necessity of the guild in itself is highly favourable and outweighs even the faults associated with it. Founded by Duke Leicentinn six hundred years ago when the lands were occupied by Jecian rule, now it stands independent from the state, forging a nation under one roof ruled today by Armammoth of House Yullyn.

Their main competition, an assassins guild located in the middle of Jecius, ruled by Dale VI of House Wynnihue, commanded by his begotten son Durant, and begins to show signs of progress, a signal that Peacehaven has not taken very kindly by especially when looking back at past transgressions. Soon, the re-emergence signals a new era to a whole new age. An age already etched with black mark in time.


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