S:BoS #11

This was a well-made episode despite the lack of mammary thereof. Unlike the previous ones, this episode dealt mostly with the supporting casts, especially Crixus and Batiatus. Lots of development and less episode fillers. The Crixus angle was lovely as he tries to retain his former glory. Batiatus' quest for dominance begins a new ground as he abducts a familiar face. Meanwhile, Spartacus is left haunted by images of Sura and Varro's death, as his relationship with Mira blooms anew. The only annoying cliche I can nitpick is the method towards the end about Spartacus knowing who the true perpetrator of Sura's demise is. Godsent messages are so Dr. Gregory House. I love House, come on, but him on my Spartacus?! Outrageous. My favorite part was Solonius and Ashur's scene. God, who doesn't hate Ashur?

The action sequences were tame compared to the previous ones but can still be epic if not for the lack of Spartacus. The plot thickening is amazing, acting was mild (I still think Batiatus' actor do not in any manner resemble his character at all, being little tough guy and all), although a little convoluted. The cliffhanger was enticing. Overall, the best episode without having those twisted twists and gores.


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