I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

I liked the movie. There. I said it. I kind of like the premise. I really do not get where all the hate is coming from. Better than the last three American Pie movies, I guess.

I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell is supposed to be a comedy, well it is, but somewhere along it changes pace from fratkid comedy to brama (bro drama) all the way down towards the end. Although it reeks and suffers from  R-movie cliches and the whatnot, the ability of it to narrow everything down basically to the characters' relationships instead of going all out compromising tits as a major selling point for the whole full run.

The reason I think people would be disappointed was the lack of comedy which is basically what it is but what it is not, and when it does try to be it only leaves you hanging wet and clueless. 

I read a lot of comments comparing the movie with The Hangover which is silly because I really did not find any comparison at all, besides being R-rated and jestful and includes a bachelor's party leaving the bachelor in big trouble. Now that I think about it, Justin Bartha and Jesse Bradford remind me of each other, coincidentally having letters J and B as initials which is kind of creepy.

Marika Dominczyk is a welcome addition to the film, she entices me as the Halo-playing stripper mom. I like her. I personally think Matt Czuchry was effective as a Stifler-clone Tucker Max (never knew the original Tucker Max). Keri Lynn Pratt as Geoff Stults' wife-to-be Kristy does a nice portrayal as well, having seen here in a previous film quite long ago now in Cruel Intentions 2 (can't forget the horse scene). Geoff Stults as Dan the bachelor though was subpar and quite ineffective. He felt out of place and too mature for the role.

Overall it is a movie that good friends can appreciate. It is not very much a doper movie as the situations are not as slapstick as, well, The Hangover, but well enough that I appreciated. I am a sucker for underrated films, by the way.


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