Vive y deja vivir

Had I been slightly more careless, I could have attained a freedom I yearned for for so long, and yet I missed that opportunity by an inch. Do not fret, I tell myself, for time is of the essence.

Ahh... as I sip my wine contemplating whether or not this new week will bring me bounty or heartache will be up to the clouds. It is always a gamble. You could say gambling was always on the cards. Every single time I have to take a modicum of risk I always remember my father, for he was the one who worked diligently in a casino in the past. But gambling has never been part of my system. Nowadays I hardly take any chances. Anything less than a hundred percent is a no-go. This is precisely why I have been holding myself back, weighing the options, seeing the woods for the trees, or are there anything beyond the wolves or the chupacabra lurking within the swamps? Should I or shouldn't I?

Most of the time I do start to wonder which one of these two will come first: The delectable crashing and burning of my any and everything? Or the swan song magnum opus I have yet to put to words? The former brings me a lot of antioptimism. There is only one way to attain that, and I think she knows what needs be done, and that is a very shitty way of going about it, I do admit, but to each their own. The latter however can happen at anytime, by any metric or speed. Expected or accounted, does not matter. If it happens, it shall be glorious, but the chances of it happening are slim to none. I am doing absolutely nothing in this regard to help me achieve this purpose. Whatever the deal is, the problem lies in my inability to take my own self so fucking seriously. Too many trapped ideas inside my head aching to get out, zero effort or accountability, terribly mismanaged, chronic masturbator and procrastinator, shamelessly parasitic, and lavishly too full of stacked shit. My self whispers to me, I cleaned your fucking mess of a room today, fuckboy, and I respond, half-assedly.

I sip another pretentious taste of wine, Sicilian, to remind myself the glory of love.


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