Love yourself (at the cost of everything else)

The dominoes are starting to turn, blacks over whites, and I find myself smack-dabbed in the middle of it all. Where it leads and where it hurts, come what may. A little bit of satisfaction will only delay parts of the inevitable, considering where I am in the current stage of my life comparatively with others, and in a few days I will hit the hardest hitting half-life of my life. We all were born for this anomaly, and sometimes you just wake up to this realisation and there is not much to be done about it. The best method of cure for madness is stoic self-care, at the risk of everything else. People have been asking me to love myself, well here it is.

This may be our last chances to ever grace each other's vicinity, and there will be times in life wherein not speaking to someone for the rest of our lives is a form of self-care.


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