pecados capitales

it may seem self-defeatist but the names of days need a fresh new identity i feel like the voice inside my head is ringing always eating at me thinking of this thinking of that thinking of her she knows who she is and all pale in comparison what i know now is no longer how i felt since monday it is a bad expensive shot no squall and still wither no heart and still soften as if i have been inflicted by marshmallow syndrome it is high time for something new something different something contrarian to the contrary because it is a new day a new life a new beginning to jump right back in to be able to walk amongst equally minded i hate loporrits because there is no fuckingway my soul my dance it keeps echoing in the corner please stay and listen there is much to learn and despite the images it is my style stray cat cooler than bugs but no bunny no not anymore no problem say goodbye i have to go say hello i have to wake up another saturday and then what maybe this is it for me no problem no problem no problem i will survive do you think i won't ye of little fete and sunday and monday not today but until when until then fare me well short february is no good for many many reasons and trust me to say love you


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