Dear Miriam

Dear Miriam,

Things may be very difficult for the both us at the moment, and I may not show it at all, but that doesn't change the fact that the foundation of our relationship remains steadfast in my heart. You did what you had to do, regardless of my feelings towards that. I do not wash myself of any wrongdoing. That was pretty much evident through our final interactions. I would love to apologise, although I very much doubt that means much now if at all. I wish you well and wish you nothing but the best. My days without you will be long, and it will remain longing for quite some time. You... were the best thing that came into my life. You completed me, you complemented me, and you wound me. Perhaps it was my fault all along, expecting too much from you for too soon. I failed you.

But for every fail, together we both had ten times more success. Do not neglect that. Do not forget what made us special. We did not have much in common, for sure, but we didn't define our time together with what others had to say nor by any imaginary barriers set upon us by anything that came along our way. We stood our ground. We lit each others' fires and managed. Now, while we embark in this new journey, I commend you to keep the all the wonderful things we shared to heart. Be something I could never be. Be you.

I will always love you, and you know that. Too soon for me to wish for you to come back, but the doors are open. Always will be. Let the frustrations flow away and drown out all the negativity and all that's left is a foolish me wanting endless chances to rekindle a broken thing with a very special person that is you. You said the things you had to say, did things you had to do, but isn't that overall necessary to know our place with each other? While it had tremendous adverse effects in our relationship with each other, it was a rather important one. Please find it in your heart to see that I am not the person your heart currently tells you I am, because you truly know deep down inside that that isn't a very accurate representation of who I am. I am sorry for you to undergo this. We both are in deep pain. I pray only that time heals our wounds. 

Sincerely yours,



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