Snippet: In her darkest days, Elaine (worldbuilding), unfinished

Voices of strange busybodies could be heard on the other side of the edifice. Elaine reckoned she recognised one of them. An old friend. Perhaps not necessarily a friend, or not technically a friend. A friend is a rare commodity for her these days. She could walk right past them and not blink an eye, but Elaine waited for a little bit more until the lot toned down. Having a group of opposites around her, poking her skin through their eyes, meticulously making sure she was an enabler who to them an abundant source of entertainment, was all the reason needed to convince herself to back away from the complexity of it all. Home is an awful lot more awful than this place though, Elaine thought, as she gripped her handbag tightly, hoping the ray of darkness from the moon would envelope her and shield her from the attention of the lonesome trail.

"This would not have happened had you only listened to me, Elaine," complained Darco. "Half the people out there would skin us both bloody 'til it satiates them. We need to stick together always."

Elaine's eyes betray his confidence. She was not one to back down from adversity. One of which Darco himself is well aware of, given his past grievances in the public view.

"I would, but our time here is short, uncertain. We will need to keep going soon." Elaine grit her teeth. Words wanted to flow out of her mouth, but she tempered herself before causing more tension between her and Darco. She had always thought of him weak, but necessary. His weakness was paramount to the expression of the idea that she was the strong one in that relationship, regardless of the reality that she herself was weak. But with him weaker, she could find a dubious reason or excuse to lull herself to action in her own ways. She is drunk to the thought of her being the messiah of their imminent and total annihilation. But the idea of how to accomplish this task is very well lost on her very much so.

"Take the keys to the door. Bar them shut. The night is long, and we both need our much-needed rest."

Just so, from a distance, a thunderous shriek can be heard. Elaine did not even flinch a muscle.


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