Certagruni, a history of, a worldbuilding project

The Benevoli were all still preoccupied by the news of death of the Lordfather when the children of Tulussa invaded Loppianeu. It was discovered that the Lordfather had secretly conspired with neighbour Poruscsh sometime in ca 00.9, successful in setting up a diplomatic truce wherein the much-awaited unification of Certagruni was at stake. A single cohesive nation of a united Certagruni would understandably put Tulussa on red alert, especially when not too long ago they had soured their relationship with Poruscsh by taking the Strait of Marus for themselves, a strategical point of contention that benefited Tolussa greatly by diminishing their former ally's strength. Poruscsh did not take this betrayal well, it seems.

No one can truly verify what was discussed during that clandestine sessions between the two biggest national rivals.

It was reported that when the Dux of Tulussa, Archibalt Sivi, had discovered this, he sent his recsons to assassinate the Lordfather of Loppianeu, three days before Tulussa unleashed the full might of her warsons upon the troubled archipelago. The Benevoli were able to withstand an overwhelming attack for merely two moons before every single one of them were extirpated. 

Poruscsh could only stand back and hear the word in passing of the massacre being done to their southern rival. They knew that an uncalled intervention only invited forth trouble.

"For now we are in no position to make any demands. Doom crawls upon our walls," said Proteus, Dux vitium of Poruscsh, announcing the fall of Loppianeu to his people, the other half of what was once Certagruni, an ancient imperial nation that gave birth to the contemporary ideology and dogma of Carthiticism. "We have gambled our liberty with the wrong side, and now I truly see the tragedy of it all."

The full occupation of Loppianeu lasted for four days despite the technological advancement of the Benevoli. In the end, Tulussa simply outmanned and outgunned them to oblivion. Poruscsh stood silent on the other side of the archipelago, wary of the development in the south.

It was not until four months later when the mages came from out of nowhere, bringing with them a behemoth of legend that gave Poruscsh a fighting drive, thus causing the war and birth of Certagrunivrun.


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