High Street Kensington

Days are short when it is spent on earning my livelihood. There aren't that plenty things to do otherwise. I spent my time fooling around with my bird and then myself, and afterwards I go deep into a trance realising that life is not at all that complicated.

It's a cosmic carousel of chaos.

I am about to embark on a new journey, and this time the situation is different as it was the last time. I do have the luxury of reason to want to get away. This time, there is that different stroke of emotional strength and willpower to accommodate my every step. This time, I am simply just a different person. My lover will leave the country by then, no rules or events can stop me from pursuing my very desire to search for answers hidden dwelling inside the belly of the beastly world we are in. The fundamental longing for the soul, in hopes to realise that this is what I need, what I want to accomplish, and that I wasn't merely a pitstop for my lover's merry adventures.

Still I wait endlessly for a visa that never seem to come. How much longer would I have to wait? How much longer should I endure the loss of the thread that connects me and my Mioseon? When will we find ourselves wrapped around each other's arms once again? Would we ever cross our paths again? Would I be able to eliminate my scepticism, my jealousy, and my distrust? Only time will tell, and time should fucking follow. I require nothing else except this one simple request. In doing so I have achieve acceptance and transcendence.

I have achieved life as I have achieved love. I have achieved love as I have achieved happiness. I have achieved as happiness as I have achieved self. I have achieved self as I have achieved life.


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