
The recent events surrounding Gantz are amazing in that the pace of action is consistent and always leaves more room for different interpretations. I just read 314-316 all in one go awhile ago and still clamour for more. I'm more and more impressed with Tae than anyone else because of Kurono's fragile attachment to her. Although Nishi and Host Samurai are absent it does not hinder much with the situation as they act rather selfishly than others.

The civilization versus civilization idea pertaining to Katastrophe was a little bit underwhelming. I expected something more than what met my eye. I am hoping Oku can reverse that impression and make it worthwhile, which he has undoubtedly the potential to do so.

Sakurai/Cherry's departure will somehow leave a bad taste for most fans considering he lost his arm by a disc attack out of nowhere on the most recent chapter. I wouldn't be bothered much though since he seems to be the weakest and worthless among the team. Not much contributions except crying "Tonkotsu!" with every chance he has. Sakata would make a better psychic replacement than him.

Kaze and Takeshi's presence was a sigh of relief, together with the gantzer with gorilla arms like Oka's. I can only dream one day of Kaze being able to procure such a behemoth.

Blondie alien boss is like-able, being suave and all.

Now I have to wait another two dreadful weeks for the next chap. In the meantime, I'll be theorizing and making assumptions about what will happen next. Tae as a gantzer maybe?


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