Halloween, All Saints, All Souls, whatever people consider thinking of it still remains one of the favourite holiday seasons throughout the year. It is time for people to scare themselves dry and freak each other out with frightening costumes and sweets, not to mention parties and celebrations throughout the day. Funny and awesome as it may sound, it still remains daunting that most of the people here celebrate this day on a different light. From where I am from, it usually is taken in from a different approach. People are gloomy,sad, nostalgic and are usually found lingering inside and out of cemeteries taking solace with their loved ones who, in previous moments in time, departed from this world and made a whole new, different journey of their own. Candles are most common commodities to be found anywhere in the place. Chicken boxes in Styrofoam are part of what I remember growing up experiencing the same ambience of cultural norm. Melancholic as this day represents, 'tis serves...